Pacific Marine Surveyors

AdjustmentLoss Adjustment

We have estensive expertise in investigating and assessing insurance claims to ascertain the scope of coverage and the suitable settlement amount.

Loss Adjustment

At Pacific Marine Surveyors, we are dedicated professionals with expertise in investigating and assessing insurance claims to ascertain the scope of coverage and the suitable settlement amount. Here are some prevalent types of loss adjusting services we offer in the marine industry:

  • Hull and Machinery Loss Adjusting:
    • Investigating and assessing claims related to damage or loss of a vessel's hull, machinery, equipment, or other physical components.
    • Evaluating the cause of the incident, determining liability, and estimating repair or replacement costs.
  • Cargo Loss Adjusting:
    •  Handling claims related to damaged, lost, or short-delivered cargo during transportation or storage.
    • Assessing the extent of damage, determining the cause, and quantifying the value of the cargo loss.
  • Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Loss Adjusting:
    • Investigating and adjusting claims related to liabilities covered by P&I
      insurance, such as personal injury, pollution, cargo damage, or collisions.
    • Determining liability, quantifying damages, and negotiating settlements.
  • Offshore and Rig Loss Adjusting:
    • Handling claims related to offshore operations, including incidents
      involving drilling rigs, platforms, or other offshore equipment.
    • Assessing damage, investigating the cause, and evaluating the costs
      associated with repairs, replacements, or environmental remediation.
  • General Average Loss Adjusting:
    • Adjusting claims arising from general average situations, where sacrifices or expenses are incurred for the common safety of all interests involved in a maritime venture.
    • Calculating and apportioning general average adjustments among cargo owners, vessel owners, and other parties.
  • Salvage Loss Adjusting:

    • Evaluating and adjusting claims related to salvage operations, where a vessel, cargo, or other property is recovered from peril or distress.

    • Assessing the value of the salved property, determining the appropriate salvage award, and negotiating settlements.

It plays a crucial role in the insurance industry by guaranteeing equitable and prompt resolution of insurance claims, safeguarding the interests of insured parties, and aiding insurance companies in effectively managing risk.

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

+254 725 329 407

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